Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellow in Politics,
Nuffield College, University of Oxford
Journal Articles
Carella, L. (2023) ‘Who Runs for Higher Office? Electoral Institutions and Level-Hopping Attempts in Germany’s State Legislatures’, Legislative Studies Quarterly. Replication Files.
Carella, L. and Eggers, A. C. (2023) ‘Electoral Systems and Geographic Representation’, British Journal of Political Science. Replication Files.
Carella, L. and Ford, R. (2020) ‘The Status Stratification of Radical Right Support: Reconsidering the Occupational Profile of UKIP’s Electorate’, Electoral Studies.
Other Publications
Carella, L. and Kelly, E. ‘Social Values’ (2024) in The State of Public Opinion 2023, UK in a Changing
Europe [think tank research report]
Carella, L. (2022) ‘The British Elections of 2019: Not quite what you read in the press’, Political Quarterly. [book review]
Raikes, L., Cox, E. and Carella, L. (2016) ‘State of the North 2016 : Building Northern Resilience in an Era of Global Uncertainty’, IPPR North. [policy report]
Working Papers
Predicting Candidate Preference Shares in Preferential-List PR Systems: A Logical Model of Intra-Party Competition. March 2023 version.
From Context to Congruence : Immigration Salience and Voter Socialisation (with Francesco Raffaelli). April 2024 version. Under Review.
Do Open Lists Increase Turnout? Probably Not : Evidence from the Replication of a Study on Spanish
Local Elections. Under Review
The ‘Anti-Cooptational’ Coalition: Explaining the Switch from Two-Round Systems to PR in early 20th
Century Europe (with K. Wegschaider).
Electoral systems' effects on participation beyond Turnout: Evidence from Italy and Poland
Work in Progress
Intra-Party Sources of Electoral Reform in the ‘PR wave’ (with Klaudia Wegschaider). Research Agenda.
From Galaxies of Notables to Programmatic Parties: The Party-Building Path to List-Proportional Representation (with Klaudia Wegschaider). Conference Paper.
Baby Boomers at the Ballot Box : Cohort Size and Representation across Electoral Systems.
Class-Based Anti-Immigration Narratives : Effects on Economic Identities and Attitudes in the UK (with
F. Raffaelli).
Gendered Effects of PR Rules: Evidence from Italian Municipal Election Reforms (1956-1970)
Subnational Electoral Institutions and Public Goods Distribution in a Multi-Level Polity: Evidence from Public Works Investments in the Italian South (1971-1984).
Per Una Repubblica Semi-Parlamentare [essay]